We all love freedom- working for ourselves, being answerable to no one. This is why almost each one of us every now and then tries to have something of our own and start a business, no matter how small it is.
Starting a business is not a cake-walk. You need capital, resources, a rock-solid business idea and most importantly – time.
And managing time gets all the more difficult when you are also working an 8-hour shift. And, quitting a 9-5 job to start a business altogether can backfire, especially when you do not have enough savings or capital to back your decision. A 9-5 job does have its perks!
Now, what to do in such a case? It is not easy to work on a side hustle or start a business after working for 8 gruesome hours. But, it is not impossible or impractical either.
There are small changes that you can bring in your lifestyle that can help you kick-start your business idea without quitting your 9-5.
Become An Early Riser

Waking up early can resolve half of our time management problems. You can achieve a lot more in those wee hours of morning than in the entire day. The early hours of morning are entirely yours- you are not distracted by family responsibilities or work calls. So, you can completely focus on the task at hand- which is your business idea. Wake up at 5 AM in the morning and make the most of this time in building up your business.
Have Clarity About Your Business Plan
The clearer your goals are about your business, the less time it will take for you to implement them effectively. So, it is really crucial for you to have absolute clarity about your business plan and your ultimate goal. And, also make sure that this business is something that you really want to do as motivation to give in those extra hours is the key here.
Write exactly what you want to achieve with this business, set a timeline and then manage your work and your time accordingly.
Say NO To Social Obligations

More than the working hours in office, the social obligations eat up most of our time. If we calculate, the amount of time that we spend in going to gatherings and get-togethers, is equivalent to the time we spend at work. Cutting down on them can really give you enough time to work on your business.
Yes, having a life outside only work is really important. But, it should be when you yourself want a break, not a mere obligation. Make sure that you never waste your time doing things that you didn’t want in the first place.
You cannot do everything on your own, especially when you are managing your work also. So, the best bet here is to outsource if you want your business to be up and running in no time. Delegate, take help, find freelancers or interns – outsource as much as your pocket allows.
And if you do not have much cash to put in on outsourcing tasks, then you can always take help from friends and family. Or take help even in exchange of something that you can do without compromising much on your time and schedule.
These little changes go a long way in helping you set up your side hustle gradually. All you need to do is have a business plan in place and be consistent enough to churn out profits.
Walk out of your job only when you have a steady stream of profit flowing in and not on the first bell of cash ringing. 9-5 offers a great deal of stability, do not let go of it until and unless you are absolutely sure.
If you also have any such tips that can make a business grow, then do share it with us in the comment box below.